Petty Theft
Attorney in
San Diego
Consequences of a Shoplifting
or Petty Theft Offense
Under the law, you could get up to 6 months in jail. However, for a first offense shoplifting offense in San Diego county you are looking at a misdemeanor conviction on your record, three years of probation, a fine of apporximately $635, one day of custody which involves going to a local jail for a booking and release procedure, a shoplifting course, and you will be ordered to stay away from the location of the shoplifting.
For a second offense, you are looking at the same conditions of a misdemeanor on your record, probation, $635 fine, stay away order, and the court will impose 10 days of public work service which is where you must pick up trash on the side of the road or work at a dump, or some other public service no one else wants to do.
With a fourth petty theft offense, the prosecution can charge it as a felony offense.